Monday, March 16, 2009

Professor Dipankar Gupta is wrong………..

It is not at all surprising me when Professor Dipankar Gupta says “The BJP's 1991 manifesto only mentioned that it would strive to "relocate the ancient structure" and build a Ram temple elsewhere. Not a word about demolishing the Babri Masjid. Read the 2004 Congress manifesto today, and what a surprise. Even the phrase "nuclear energy" is nowhere to be found; ditto for the UPA's common minimum programme too.” And he never mentioned the ugly situation of left parties and they take advantage of as “..Most people are not able to read or write without spelling a word at a time. A little over 65% may be officially literate, but for the bulk it just means substituting thumb impressions for a scrawl. As for the literates, they want action without ideology for the written word has meant so little for so long. 

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