Thursday, November 6, 2008

Where to you come from?

Mr Subir Roy writes in BS "Our son, who is taking a course in film direction in Chennai, says he plays a little game when he is asked a common question by batch mates: Where are you from? In reply he tells them a long tale which goes something like this: ‘My parents trace their roots to two districts in what was then East Bengal. They grew up in Kolkata and shifted to Delhi when I was a year old. That’s where I remained till I was 16. Then they shifted to Bangalore where I finished my last two years of schooling. And I have been in Chennai for the last four years through college and film school.’

This usually provokes some laughter and often a second question: So where are you really from? His response depends on his mood. If he is a trifle irritated, he replies: ‘I just told you’. If he is in a better frame of mind he says: ‘You see, I am from all those places.’

I have also faced this situation too but not in South certainly in NORTH India. My answers are entirely different…


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